Sunday, March 30, 2008

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Tooth Fairy

I've read in a few blogs over the last few months about the sometimes traumatic experience of telling your kids about Santa. I've been lucky so far, Ian was kind of like "whatever." Sean, well, I think he's still holden' onto the believing, though I suspect he knows the truth.

On to the tooth fairy... About a year ago (maybe a little longer) I was at the dentist with Ian, he had a loose tooth, his last baby tooth I think. The hygienist sees it's just barely attached so she pulls it out. She asks Ian and I if we want to take it home for the tooth fairy, Ian and I just look at each other. Ian says "why don't you just give me the dollar here?" Worked for me, we just tossed the tooth. The hygienist is like "Wow, that's the first time the tooth fairy has come to the office."

It was really cute... maybe you had to be there. 8-)

Thursday, March 27, 2008

The dog ate my homework

I'm sure you've heard that excuse before, and how many teachers have heard that among many others? I had a new one for Sean's teacher: "My cat barfed on my homework." Sean had left his mostly done homework and folder on the floor, and as luck (or lack of) would have it, that's where one of the cats decided to upchuck. Luckily the teacher had laminated the folder so that was fairly easy to clean up. I had to send a note to his teacher asking for duplicates of everything else. Poor Sean, he had to do everything twice!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Interesting Facts about Easter

Easter this year is: Sunday March 23, 2008.

As you may know, Easter is always the 1st Sunday after the 1st full moon, after the Spring Equinox (which is March 20). [I did not know this!] This dating of Easter is based on the lunar calendar that Hebrew people used to identify Passover, which is why it moves around on our Roman calendar.

Here are a couple of things you might be interested in. Based on the above, Easter can actually be one day earlier (March 22) but that is pretty rare. This year is the earliest Easter any of us will ever see the rest of our lives! And only the most elderly of our population have ever seen it this early (95 years old or above!). [Nope, not that old.] And none of us have ever, or will ever, see it a day earlier!

Here are the facts: The next time Easter will be this early (March 23) will be the year 2228 (220 years from now). The last time it was this early was 1913 (so if you're 95 or older, you are the only ones that were around for that!). The next time it will be a day earlier, March 22, will be in the year 2285 (277 years from now). The last time it was on March 22 was 1818.

So, no one alive today has or will ever see it any earlier than this year!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Random Thoughts

I keep thinking any day now one of my boys will do or say something funny or interesting I can share. They haven't totally let me down, but I can't say I want to put it out here for any random stranger to read. Being a blog stalker myself, I know it can happen. 8)

Random thoughts:

I read the other day that people who write blogs "want to be heard" is that why 'ya all write your blogs? I personally just want to belong... hmmm, what do you suppose that says about me?

I am blessed to supervise a great group of people and can honestly say we care about each other personally as well as work together as a team. We often ponder on the things of the world, things beyond the world, and things that, well, don't really matter at all.

Today's burning question: How is it that when you put those little squares of chocolate chip cookie dough in the oven they come out round? Please feel free to give your input.

Also learned today: Why Pistachio nut shells were painted red. They were imported and it was believed that Americans liked pretty things, and that we would not buy the nuts if we saw the bruised shells. (You never know when that piece of knowledge may come in handy.)

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Walmart Cake

Keep in mind this actually did happened.

This is how I imagine this conversation went:
Walmart Employee: "Hello 'dis este Walmart, how can I helpe you?"
Customer: " I would like to order a cake for a going away party this week."
Walmart Employee: "What you wante on la cake?"
Customer: "Best Wishes Suzanne" and underneath that "We will miss you".

Saturday, March 8, 2008

WHAT we say or HOW we say it?

One day, there was a blind man sitting on the steps of a building with a hat by his feet and a sign that read: "I am blind, please help."A creative publicist was walking by and stopped to observe. He saw the blind man had only a few coins in his hat. He dropped in more coins, and without asking for permission, took the sign and rewrote it. He returned the sign to the blind man and left. That afternoon the publicist returned to the blind man and noticed that his hat was full of bills and coins.The blind man recognized the publicist's footsteps and asked if it was he who had rewritten his sign and wanted to know what he had written on it.The publicist responded: "Nothing that was not true. I just wrote the message a little differently. " He smiled and went on his way.The new sign read: "Today is the first day of Spring and I cannot see it."

Saturday, March 1, 2008


I don't know if this is true... but it sure is cute.

At a recent testimony meeting, a five-year-old little girl stood up and bore her testimony. After mentioning everyone and everything she was thankful for, she ended with this: "I am especially grateful that our house has been much happier since our family stopped using The "S-word" and the "F-word."

As the little girl proudly walked back to her seat, nobody could say a word. Needless to say they were a little shocked by what the stake president's daughter had just said.

Quickly, the red-faced stake president stood up, smiled shyly, and went to the podium. "I feel I should make a clarification as to what my daughter meant. In our house the "S-word" is Shut-up and the "F-word" is Fart."