Friday, February 22, 2008

World shaking news from the doctor

I work with some crazy people, here's an example from "Dr. Michael":

After much research on the subject of why kids play, top researchers have come to the conclusion that it's because playing is fun. Next up: why people go to work -- is it to earn "money"? Tax dollars at work, I bet your happy you have to pay them and not put gas in your car with them.

Driver tries to pass a car on the road and forgets an important rule of passing: houses have the right-of-way. Florida , is so dependable for news.

Man runs from department store with stolen jacket, then wears it when police call him in for an interview. Sheboygan , WI . My home town. Hey, he probably relocated from Florida .

And now, from the Nanny State (UK): When looking for a surefire way to win your girl's heart back, should you try: A) flowers, B) an honest, emotional letter, or C) shooting her fiancé's testicles off during their wedding? For those from Florida , C is always the answer.

Woman torches city building because she's "tired of looking at it" Sounds reasonable to me.

O.J. Simpson's girlfriend leaves the hospital after a 10-day stay recovering from a fall. Yeah, that's the ticket. I almost forgot that OJ moved to Florida .

Chopper carrying Senators Kerry, Hagel and Biden makes emergency landing in Afghanistan . Kerry submits application for Purple Heart by Blackberry before rotors stop spinning.

Weather in Kentucky has forced the closing of the Jim Beam distillery. EVERYBODY PANIC. Where is FEMA when they are REALLY needed.

Italian scientists have taken advantage of generous EU funding to develop a robot. Who makes coffee. We should have told them about a coffee pot. Still no cure for cancer.

Harley Davidson owners get their own social network, with photos of big beards and big bellies a-plenty. And that's just the women.

Well, that is enough for now. You now have the tools to cope with the world and enjoy life more fully. And of course look forward to your next wonderful newsletter to enlighten you to the point of genius and allow you to look at your coworkers and quietly smile with the knowledge that you are so much better than they are.

Have a great weekend.

Dr. Michael

Marketing memory test

See if you've been watching too much TV...

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

We dissected sheep hearts

Sean's class dissected a sheep heart, this is what he wrote for his class newsletter:

Today we dissected sheep hearts. Dr. Sean & Dr. Antonio cut the heart into six pieces. It was fun. I was on fire; I showed no fear & no mercy. It was fun. We just went snip, snip, snip. It was easy even the hard parts! The strange thing is I am freaked out by some things but NOT the heart!

I would say the strange thing is "It was fun", mentioned not once but twice!

John Cafferty & The Beaver Brown Band - "On the Dark Side"

Another song I love... just try not to clap your hands or tap your toes!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Frozen Grand Central

Wouldn't this be cool to see?!
And even more fun to be a part of!

Sunday, February 3, 2008


Time to give you some new nerdy music, The Partridge Family! Check out this clip, it's from the very first episode, Johnny Cash introduces them, how cool is that?

Below is a tribute to Dan Fogelberg, in my opinion one of the best singer/songwriters ever. He passed away on December 16, 2007. He will be missed.