Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Gordon B. Hinckley

When my dad called Sunday night to tell me Gordon B. Hinckley had died, the first thing I felt was sadness. He is the only Prophet I have really known, and when he spoke I could hear the truth and the love in his voice. It only took a moment though to hear the spirit whisper, "He's 97 years old, it's time he gets to come home". I am grateful for the knowledge that he is home, and someday (not too soon I hope) I may have the pleasure of meeting such a wonderful man.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Chuck E. Cheese

Denise, the boys, and I went to Chuck E. Cheese on Thursday, (my nerd factor just went up didn't it)? We have been meeting there off and on for sometime, it has been a safe place for the boys to play allowing Denise and I some time to visit. Now that the boys are older we have more options, but still find this one to work the best. The Chuck E. Cheese by us just remodeled and expanded, that means lots of new games. Denise and I don't usually play, but this time was different. Ian kept hitting jack pots on the game by our table and I could no longer resist; I had to prove I could do it too! If I was going to try, so would Denise, by the time we finished we had enough points to get us each (all four of us) a bag of cotton candy, some tootsie rolls (for Denise's mom), and a butterfly necklace that came with bubbles. Cool, huh?


I got into a accident on Monday, my fault. Stupid overpass! Stupid ice! Luckily no one was hurt, and the damage was minimal. I was telling Ian and Sean what had happened, I mentioned the other person involved was an adult women. For some reason Ian wanted to know if she had crows feet. Before you ask, I have no clue what made him ask that, sometimes it's easier just to let it go. Now my real reason for sharing this with you: Sean wanted to know how I would have any idea what kind of feet she had, after all I wasn't even in her car!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

New here

What?! No Cosmic Sans? My favorite font... bummer.
Apparently this blogger thing is the way to go these days, being technically challenged who knows what will happen... in the meantime, Welcome! You see I did get the Osmond YouTube link, yep a nerd from way back.