Saturday, May 23, 2009

Watching out for John

Thursday night Sean and I went to Flap Jacks for dinner-I over heard the following conversation between the old guy in the booth behind me and another couple:

Couple: Hi John, how are you?
John: I'm doing well how are you?

Some additional conversation then:
John: How do I know you again?

Some additional conversation, John seems to know who they are now and they talk about friends they have in common, some alive, some not.

Couple: We haven't seen you in here recently.
John: I come in about once a week.
Couple: You used to come every night.
John: Maybe I still do.

Poor John-I hope someones keeping track of him.

Star Trek

I went to see this movie last night (I know I'm a little behind the pack. I hate the crowds when movies first come out) I thought it was great! One of the things the original series had was good humor between the main characters, the movie had that as well. I was pretty impressed at how they picked actors the resembled the original characters too. I think I'll have to buy this one.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Sean's Band Concert

Sean has been learning to play the clarinet this year and had his band concert today. Still being technically challenged I missed the first part of the video trying to figure out how the stupid camera worked!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Remember I love you

A few years ago I got these decals that you can put on mirrors, windows etc. (wish I could remember where I found them!) Anyway, I have one in the upstairs bathroom that says "Did you think to pray?". In the downstairs bathroom I have "I am a child of God". I also got one that says "Remember I love you-mom". I put that one on the window by the computer. My hope was that as the boys are playing on the computer they would see it and remember I love them. To be honest I hadn't really thought about it for some time, and I can't remember the boys ever saying they even noticed it was there... until Sunday. Sean made a Mother's Day card in primary, the same one all the other kids made, but when he signed it he put "Remember I love you-Sean".

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Joys? of a single parent

We all know being a parent can be full of frustrations and luckily full of joys and experiences that out way those frustrations. When you're a single parent you get to shoulder more of those things by yourself; you often get to answer questions that you might be tempted to say "go ask your father." Most of these question seem to come while we are driving, I like that because I don't have to look them in the eye as I answer the question. The last few weeks however have not been so kind. A couple weeks ago it was "Mom, what is an erection?", last week it was "What is genital herpes?" Darn TV.


Ok,so I know I'm writing this on Saturday, but I LOVE FRIDAYS! I wake up Friday morning and think "last day of the work week!" Woo Hoo! Rob takes the boys most Friday nights-I can go out with a friend, see a movie, or I can buy something yummy that I want to eat, and not share! I can watch any silly thing on TV without hearing "you're going to watch that!?!?"