Friday, September 12, 2008

Where I'm From

My Ian is very bright but struggles a lot in school, he doesn't tend to do very well in the traditional classroom. English is the worst, he does much better with verbal and hands on. That said he came home this week with a terrific poem, I even got a post card from his teacher (can you believe it?) saying what a great job he did.
I thought I'd share:

Where I’m From

I come from an up north blue painted trailer with a golden deck.
I’m from a place where animals roam.
I’m from a place with many trees and where the air is fresh and clean.
I’m from a place where blue jay’s call.
I’m from a place of peace, a place I call home!

Written by Ian Potter

1 comment:

Becky said...

That is a wonderful poem and thank you for sharing it. He has talent for sure. Isn't it interesting how children are all so different and it seems ridiculous to try to fit them all in the same box? Reed is a different kid and so is Douglas. You'd never knew they were twins as they are so opposite in behavior and thought patterns. But they are both very lovable and sweet and I love them both just the way they are.