Sunday, April 12, 2009

I did it!

I'm sure this is no big deal to anyone but me... On Saturday I actually managed to parallel park right the first time! I have a friend that can do it with out even thinking, he pulls up and backs in as easily as I pull straight into the parking spot at Target. Me: I back up-pull forward-back up again-hit the curb-give up and look for somewhere else to park. Saturday I managed to do it text book fashion! Go ahead, say it, I need a life!


Becky said...

You need a life! ;) Parallel parking can be quite stressful. Some might even need a Valium to do it without a rise in blood pressure, but then with the assistance of that drug, the cars on both sides might have some lovely dents. In Chris' parent's neighborhood there's a lady who is often medicated and happens to be still driving. She ran into one of their neighbor's fences. They call that maneuver "a Hadlock" in her honor. That one isn't specifically in the Book, but it does have it's own name.

Jordan and Elaine's Family said...

That was one driving skill that I could never conquer! You should be very proud. :)