Saturday, March 29, 2008

Tooth Fairy

I've read in a few blogs over the last few months about the sometimes traumatic experience of telling your kids about Santa. I've been lucky so far, Ian was kind of like "whatever." Sean, well, I think he's still holden' onto the believing, though I suspect he knows the truth.

On to the tooth fairy... About a year ago (maybe a little longer) I was at the dentist with Ian, he had a loose tooth, his last baby tooth I think. The hygienist sees it's just barely attached so she pulls it out. She asks Ian and I if we want to take it home for the tooth fairy, Ian and I just look at each other. Ian says "why don't you just give me the dollar here?" Worked for me, we just tossed the tooth. The hygienist is like "Wow, that's the first time the tooth fairy has come to the office."

It was really cute... maybe you had to be there. 8-)

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