Thursday, February 12, 2009

Who do you think of?

(Click on picture to enlarge)


Becky said...

That was funny! I think of every company that's been bailed out and given a bandaid to put on a wound that needs surgery. GM for one and ton more. It's time to pluck the poisonous union out of the wound so these companies can heal. How's that? What were you thinking?

Julie said...

I got this at work and the first thing I thought of was the coffee shop in our building. I love the company I work for(and glad I still have a job!)but like many companies you can tell the difference between those that work on the top floor and those that work on the LL-or basement. I work in the basement. The prices on most things in the coffee shop are priced so that the only people that can really afford them are those working on the top floor.
Once I got past my own selfishness I thought of the companies that needed a bail out but could spend money on trips, jets, and bonuses.